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Aug. 16 2019
At the beginning of my fall semester in 2018, my only concerns were keeping up with classes and dairy judging
July 16 2019
June is supposed to be a time to celebrate and promote dairy, but unfortunately, I think what I’ll remember most about June of this year is the extreme level of animal rights activist activity
June 12 2019
Summer break is here and so are the kids! Holy moly! I love those little humans, but wow, they have some serious energy
April 5 2019
Having eyes on your parlor all the time doesn’t sound like a bad thing
Feb. 25 2019
This time of year brings youth indoors for competitions. In a few months, they will be outdoors working with their animals on a more regular basis
Feb. 18 2019
When it is hot outside, the future of your herd is impacted — and that is not just while the temperature is elevated
Feb. 6 2019
Nearly 100 years ago, my great-grandfather traveled by himself on a cattle boat from the Azores Islands of Portugal in search of a better life
Jan. 28 2019
We are well aware of the concept of supply and demand. We are all too familiar with milk’s response
Jan. 15 2019
It was supposed to be a routine disbudding for a group of calves, but for one small Jersey, something went wrong
Dec. 12 2018
It was picture perfect. My wife was preparing an amazing meal in the kitchen, the kids were playing in the family room, and I was soaking it all in while holding my baby girl as she cooed and looked at...
Jersey CG_TUS_1511W
Oct. 5 2018
Christmas came early for Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC, Bulger, Pa., as their cow, MB Lucky Lady Feliz Navidad-ET, received top honors at the International Jersey Show at World Dairy E
Oct. 4 2018
Whether it’s clipping, leading, doing nightline, or something else, everybody has a way of helping out to make sure the cattle make it to the ring ready for the show
Posilac the end of an era
Sept. 19 2018
As consumers continue to drive the market based on fear and misinformation while manufacturers continue to bend to their will, the dairy industry will continue to see useful technology challenged and marketed...
Sept. 17 2018
“Bolstering transition cow immunity” was the title of the September Hoard’s Dairyman webinar
Sept. 10 2018
There is a consistent message that dairy producers have been hearing — Connect with your consumers. They want to know the people who produce their food
May 3 2018
“You are smart.” “You know cows.” “You can tell stories.”
May 1 2018
Spring always marks a special occasion in our family as we attend the Volunteer Firefighter’s annual banquet
Aurora Organic_single team
April 10 2018
Employee turnover is top of mind for many farmers as labor continues to be a hot topic in the dairy industry
Jan. 29 2018
Flavor is the top driver of yogurt purchases, but health benefit is a close second
Jan. 4 2018
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”